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ArcGIS Pro
Map Tools

Using ArcGIS Pro’s Raster Calculator for Raster Analysis

Using ArcGIS Pro’s Raster Calculator for Raster Analysis

Step 1: Understanding the Raster Calculator

The Raster Calculator in ArcGIS Pro is a powerful tool that allows you to perform mathematical operations on raster data. It treats rasters as numerical values, enabling users to conduct complex analyses efficiently. This tutorial will guide you through using the Raster Calculator to reclassify raster data based on specific criteria.

Step 2: Preparing Your Data

Before diving into the Raster Calculator, ensure you have your raster data ready. In this case, we are working with a bedrock material raster that contains various parent materials. Our goal is to focus on only two specific materials.

Bedrock material raster preparation

Step 3: Accessing the Raster Calculator

To access the Raster Calculator, navigate to the toolbox within ArcGIS Pro. Or search for “Raster Calculator” in the search box. This tool allows you to create new raster outputs based on mathematical expressions involving the input rasters.

Accessing the Raster Calculator

Step 4: Setting Up the Expression

We want to create a binary raster where suitable bedrock materials are marked as ‘1’ and unsuitable ones as ‘0’. The materials we are interested in are represented by the values ‘6’ and ’13’. In the Raster Calculator, we will set up an expression that checks for these values.

Setting up raster calculation expression

Step 5: Using Boolean Logic

Boolean logic will be utilized in our expression to determine which cells in the raster meet our criteria. We will use the ‘OR’ operator to combine our conditions: the raster values must equal ‘6’ or ’13’. This is how we can extract the suitable materials efficiently.

Using Boolean logic in raster calculations

Step 6: Writing the Expression

The expression in the Raster Calculator will look something like this: (“bedrock” = 6) OR (“bedrock” = 13). This will output a new raster where suitable bedrock materials are marked as ‘1’.

Writing the raster calculation expression

Step 7: Executing the Calculation

Once you have entered your expression, execute the calculation. The output will be a new raster where all suitable bedrock materials are represented as ‘1’, while unsuitable materials are ‘0’. This allows for easy identification and further analysis.

Executing the raster calculation

Step 8: Reviewing the Results

After running the calculation, review the resulting raster. You should see a clear distinction between suitable and unsuitable materials. The Raster Calculator not only simplifies the analysis but also enhances your ability to visualize ecological models.

Reviewing the results of the raster calculation


In this tutorial, we learned how to use the Raster Calculator in ArcGIS Pro to reclassify a raster based on specific criteria. By applying Boolean logic and mathematical expressions, we effectively filtered our raster data to focus on suitable bedrock materials. The Raster Calculator is a versatile tool that can greatly enhance your spatial analysis capabilities.

About the Author
I'm Daniel O'Donohue, the voice and creator behind The MapScaping Podcast ( A podcast for the geospatial community ). With a professional background as a geospatial specialist, I've spent years harnessing the power of spatial to unravel the complexities of our world, one layer at a time.