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View and download OpenStreetMap categorys
OpenStreetMap Category Viewer
This interactive map tool allows you to explore and download OpenStreetMap (OSM) features in your local area. You can find everything from shops and restaurants to hiking trails and historical sites. Below, you’ll learn how to use the tool and what kind of data you can discover.
How to Use the Map
Start by zooming into your area of interest on the map
- You’ll need to zoom in fairly close (at least to zoom level 11)
- The viewing area must be relatively small to prevent overloading the server
Choose a category from the dropdown menu on the left
- Each category contains different types of locations and features
- See the category guide below for details
Click “Fetch Data in View” to load the data
- The left panel will show all types found in your area
- Each type shows how many features were found
- You’ll see counts for:
- 🔵 Points (single locations)
- âž– Lines (roads, paths, etc.)
- ⬢ Polygons (areas, buildings)
Click any type in the list to display it on the map
- Click features on the map to see more information
- Use the search box to filter the list of types
- Download data using the GeoJSON button for each type
Category Guide
Here’s what you can find in each category:
Daily Life and Services
- Food & Drink: restaurants, cafes, bars
- Services: banks, post offices, toilets
- Education: schools, libraries, universities
- Healthcare: hospitals, pharmacies, doctors
- Community: community centers, social facilities
- Food shops and supermarkets
- Clothing and fashion
- Hardware and electronics
- Services and repairs
- Specialty shops
- Hospitals and clinics
- Doctor offices
- Dentists
- Alternative medicine
- Specialized medical facilities
- Roads and streets
- Footways and cycleways
- Service roads
- Motorways and major roads
Public Transport
- Bus stops and stations
- Train stations
- Tram stops
- Metro stations
- Transport hubs
- Railway tracks
- Train stations
- Light rail
- Subway/metro lines
- Level crossings
Recreation and Tourism
- Parks and gardens
- Sports facilities
- Recreation grounds
- Playgrounds
- Swimming pools
- Hotels and accommodations
- Tourist attractions
- Museums and galleries
- Information centers
- Viewpoints
- Campsites
- Sports fields and courts
- Golf courses
- Swimming facilities
- Climbing areas
- Sports centers
Natural and Environmental
- Water bodies
- Woodlands and forests
- Grasslands
- Geological features
- Mountain peaks
Water and Waterway
- Rivers and streams
- Lakes and ponds
- Canals
- Docks and marinas
- Waterfalls
- Residential areas
- Commercial zones
- Agricultural land
- Forests and parks
- Recreation grounds
- Residential: houses, apartments
- Commercial: offices, retail
- Public: government buildings
- Industrial: factories, warehouses
- Agricultural: barns, greenhouses
- Power plants
- Substations
- Power lines
- Solar and wind farms
- Business offices
- Government offices
- Professional services
- Research facilities
Historical and Cultural
- Archaeological sites
- Historic buildings
- Monuments and memorials
- Castles and fortifications
- Ancient ruins
- Cities and towns
- Villages and hamlets
- Suburbs and neighborhoods
- Geographic regions
- Named places
Note: The availability of data depends on how well-mapped your area is. Some regions have more detailed mapping than others.
Want to contribute to OpenStreetMap? Visit to learn how you can help improve the map in your area.