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ArcGIS Pro
Map Tools

Latitude Longitude to UTM Converter

Latitude/Longitude (GPS) to UTM Converter

Latitude/Longitude to UTM Converter

Single Coordinate Conversion

UTM Coordinates

Zone: N/A
Easting: N/A
Northing: N/A

Bulk Coordinate Conversion

Bulk Conversion Results

Introduction to the Latitude/Longitude to UTM Converter

Welcome to the Latitude/Longitude to UTM Converter! This tool helps you convert geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) into UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinates.

How to Use the Tool

  • Map Interaction: To start, click anywhere on the map to select a location. The selected point will automatically appear on the map with a marker, and the latitude and longitude fields will be updated to reflect the clicked position.
  • Manual Coordinate Entry: You can also manually enter latitude and longitude values in the input fields. This allows you to set an exact starting point if you know the coordinates you want to convert.
  • Convert to UTM: Once you have selected or entered a point, click the “Convert to UTM” button. The tool will calculate and display the UTM zone, easting, and northing values for the given latitude and longitude. The results will be shown below the map in the “UTM Coordinates” section.
  • Bulk Conversion: If you have multiple coordinates to convert, you can use the “Bulk Coordinate Conversion” feature. Simply enter a list of comma-separated coordinate pairs (latitude, longitude) in the text area, and click the “Convert Bulk Coordinates” button. The results will be displayed in a table, including UTM zone, easting, and northing values for each pair.
  • Clear All Points: To reset the tool and remove all markers from the map, click the “Clear All Points” button. This will also clear all input fields and results.

Key Features

  • Interactive Map: You can click directly on the map to set a location, making it easy to find and convert coordinates visually.
  • Single and Bulk Conversion: The tool supports both single coordinate conversions and bulk conversions, making it versatile for different use cases.
  • Real-Time Feedback: The latitude, longitude, and UTM fields update in real time, providing immediate feedback as you interact with the tool.

Practical Applications

  • Surveying and Mapping: Surveyors can use this tool to quickly convert geographic coordinates into UTM, which is a common coordinate system used in mapping and land surveying.
  • Navigation and Field Work: If you are working in the field and need to understand your location in UTM coordinates, this tool provides an easy way to convert latitude and longitude for navigation.
  • Educational Use: The tool is ideal for teaching geospatial concepts, demonstrating how latitude/longitude coordinates can be transformed into UTM coordinates.

Try It Out!

Give the Latitude/Longitude to UTM Converter a try and see how easy it is to convert between coordinate systems. Whether you’re working on a project, learning about geospatial concepts, or just curious, this tool is here to make the process quick and simple.

Understanding Latitude/Longitude to UTM Conversion

The conversion from latitude and longitude coordinates to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates involves a complex mathematical process. Here’s a simplified explanation of how it works:

What is UTM?

UTM is a grid-based method of specifying locations on the surface of the Earth. Unlike the latitude/longitude system, which uses angles, UTM uses linear measurements in meters. The Earth is divided into 60 zones, each 6 degrees of longitude wide.

The Conversion Process

Determine the UTM Zone:

    • The zone is calculated based on the longitude.
    • Each zone is 6° wide, starting at 180° West.
    • Zone 1 covers 180°W to 174°W, Zone 2 covers 174°W to 168°W, and so on.

    Apply the UTM Projection:

      • The Earth’s spherical surface is projected onto a cylinder.
      • This cylinder touches the Earth along the central meridian of the UTM zone.
      • The cylinder is then “unrolled” to create a flat surface.

      Calculate Easting:

        • Easting is the projected distance from the central meridian.
        • It’s measured in meters, with 500,000m added to ensure positive values.

        Calculate Northing:

          • Northing is the projected distance from the equator.
          • For locations in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s measured directly in meters from the equator.
          • For the Southern Hemisphere, 10,000,000m is subtracted from the calculated value.

          Apply Scale Factor:

            • A scale factor of 0.9996 is applied to reduce distortion within each zone.

            Key Points to Remember

            • UTM coordinates are always given in meters.
            • Easting values range from 167,000m to 833,000m within a zone.
            • Northing values range from 0 to 9,300,000m in the Northern Hemisphere.
            • In the Southern Hemisphere, northing values range from 1,100,000m to 10,000,000m.
            • The letters N or S after the zone number indicate the hemisphere.

            This conversion allows for more accurate distance and area calculations over small regions compared to latitude and longitude, which is why UTM is often used in surveying, cartography, and GIS applications.

            About the Author
            I'm Daniel O'Donohue, the voice and creator behind The MapScaping Podcast ( A podcast for the geospatial community ). With a professional background as a geospatial specialist, I've spent years harnessing the power of spatial to unravel the complexities of our world, one layer at a time.