How to Import KML Files into QGIS and Convert Them to Shapefiles
Step 1: Open QGIS and Add Layers
To begin, open QGIS. At the top of the interface, click on the Layer menu. From there, select Add Layer and then Add Vector Layer.
Step 2: Browse for Your KML File
A dialog box will appear. Click the small button to browse for your data. Locate your KML file that you have saved (for example, one that you digitized in Google Earth) and select it.
Step 3: Add the KML Layer
After selecting your file, click Open and then Add. You will see the layer added to your QGIS project.
Step 4: Using the Data Source Manager Tool
If you prefer, you can also use the Data Source Manager Tool. If it’s not visible, right-click on the toolbar area, enable it, and then click to open it. Select the vector option and hit the browse button to add another KML file.
Step 5: Adjust Layer Properties
Once you have added a KML layer (like a lake), you might need to adjust its appearance. Right-click on the layer, go to Properties, and select Single Symbol to choose a color for the layer (e.g., blue for lakes).
Step 6: Export the KML Layer as a Shapefile
To export the KML layer as a shapefile, right-click on the layer, select Export, and then Save Features As. Choose ESRI Shapefile as the format and give it a name. You can also select the coordinate system if needed.
Step 7: Confirm Export Success
After exporting, confirm that the shapefile has been created successfully by checking the designated folder.
What is a KML file?
KML (Keyhole Markup Language) is an XML-based format used to represent geographic data for applications such as Google Earth.
Why would I convert KML to Shapefile?
Shapefiles are widely used in GIS applications and can be easier to manipulate and analyze compared to KML files.
Can I import multiple KML files at once?
Yes, you can repeat the steps for each KML file you want to import into your QGIS project.