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ArcGIS Pro
Map Tools

Free Online Geojson viewer

Quick and Easy online Geojson viewer

Just upload your geojson file and we will do the rest! all your data is kept in the browser, and is never seen by us!

GeoJSON Viewer

This free online GeoJSON Viewer is an easy-to-use tool that allows users to upload and visualize their GeoJSON data on an interactive map. Whether you want to explore geographic features or view detailed attribute information.

Key Features:

  • Interactive Map: The map is powered by Leaflet, a leading open-source library for mobile-friendly interactive maps. The map is automatically generated and customized to fit your GeoJSON data.
  • GeoJSON File Upload: Simply upload a GeoJSON file using the file input. The file is processed instantly, and the data is displayed on the map in real-time.
  • Attribute Viewer: Click on any geographic feature on the map (e.g., a point, line, or polygon) to display its detailed attributes in a clean and organized table. This feature is particularly useful for viewing metadata like names, categories, or any other properties stored in the GeoJSON file.

How It Works:

  1. Upload a GeoJSON File: To get started, use the “Upload GeoJSON file” button to select a .geojson file from your device. This file should contain geographic features like points, lines, or polygons.
  2. View Your Data: Once uploaded, the GeoJSON file will be parsed, and the geographic features will be displayed on the map. The map will automatically adjust to fit the extent of your data, giving you a full view of your geographic features.
  3. Explore the Attributes:
  • Click on any feature on the map, and the plugin will display the associated attribute data (such as names, types, or any custom properties) in a table format located beneath the map. This feature allows you to interactively explore the data and understand the metadata behind the geographic features.
  1. Real-time Updates: The map and attribute table update dynamically, so any changes to the data are immediately reflected, ensuring that your users always see the latest information.

Example Use Cases:

  • Visualizing Geographic Data: If you’re working with location-based data, such as city boundaries, property parcels, or points of interest, the Leaflet GeoJSON Viewer is an excellent tool for embedding these maps on your website.
  • Interactive Maps for Presentations: Instead of static images, this plugin allows you to show fully interactive maps with clickable features and dynamic attribute tables, providing a richer, more engaging user experience.
  • Data Exploration: For users with GeoJSON files containing detailed property information, the attribute viewer makes it easy to click through different features and explore the embedded data.

File Requirements:

  • GeoJSON Format: The plugin currently supports GeoJSON files, a widely-used format for encoding geographic data structures. If your data is in another format (e.g., Shapefile or KML), you can easily convert it to GeoJSON using online tools or GIS software like QGIS.

About the Author
I'm Daniel O'Donohue, the voice and creator behind The MapScaping Podcast ( A podcast for the geospatial community ). With a professional background as a geospatial specialist, I've spent years harnessing the power of spatial to unravel the complexities of our world, one layer at a time.