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ArcGIS Pro

CSV to FlatGeobuf

Converting Between CSV and FlatGeobuf: A Comprehensive Guide is by far the easiest way to convert between CSV and FlatGeobuf. But if you are looking for desktop options continue reading!


Handling geospatial data involves working with various file formats that suit different needs. CSV (Comma-Separated Values) is a standard format for storing tabular data, while FlatGeobuf is a modern, high-performance binary format for geospatial data. This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on converting between CSV and FlatGeobuf using various tools and programming languages.

Overview of CSV and FlatGeobuf

Before diving into the conversion process, it’s helpful to understand the key characteristics of both formats:

CSV (Comma-Separated Values):

  • Structure: A plain text format that organizes data in rows and columns.
  • Geometry Types: Not natively supported; geographic information is often stored as latitude and longitude columns.
  • Attributes Handling: Stores simple attributes without any inherent spatial structure.
  • Styling and Symbology: Not supported.
  • Coordinate System: Typically stores coordinates in separate columns (e.g., latitude, longitude).
  • File Size Considerations: Generally compact but can increase significantly with large datasets.


  • Structure: A binary format based on flatbuffers, designed for high-performance reading and writing of geospatial data.
  • Geometry Types: Supports Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, and MultiPolygon.
  • Attributes Handling: Supports complex attribute structures similar to GeoPackage and Shapefile.
  • Styling and Symbology: Not natively supported; styling must be handled separately.
  • Coordinate System: Supports multiple coordinate reference systems (CRS).
  • File Size Considerations: Compact and optimized for efficient storage and performance, suitable for large datasets.

Conversion Methods

There are several methods available for converting CSV to FlatGeobuf. Below, we outline step-by-step guides for different approaches:

1. Converting Using QGIS

Single File Conversion:

  1. Open QGIS.
  2. Go to Layer > Add Layer > Add Delimited Text Layer.
  3. Select the CSV file and make sure the latitude and longitude columns are correctly identified.
  4. Right-click the loaded layer in the Layers panel.
  5. Choose Export > Save Features As.
  6. In the format dropdown, select FlatGeobuf.
  7. Specify the file name and location, then click OK.

Batch Conversion:

  1. Open QGIS.
  2. Go to Processing > Toolbox.
  3. Search for Vector layers to FlatGeobuf.
  4. Select multiple CSV files as input.
  5. Choose the output format (FlatGeobuf) and specify the output directory.
  6. Click Run.

2. Converting Using GDAL

Single File Conversion:

  • Open the command line or terminal.
  • Use the ogr2ogr command to convert CSV to FlatGeobuf:
  ogr2ogr -f "FlatGeobuf" output.fgb input.csv -oo X_POSSIBLE_NAMES=longitude -oo Y_POSSIBLE_NAMES=latitude

Replace longitude and latitude with the appropriate column names from your CSV file.

Batch Conversion:

  • Navigate to the directory containing your CSV files.
  • Use a loop to convert all files:
  for i in *.csv; do ogr2ogr -f "FlatGeobuf" "${i%.csv}.fgb" "$i" -oo X_POSSIBLE_NAMES=longitude -oo Y_POSSIBLE_NAMES=latitude; done

3. Converting Using Python

Python, with its powerful libraries, provides a flexible way to convert CSV to FlatGeobuf. Below is an example using geopandas and pyflatgeobuf.

import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from pyflatgeobuf import FlatGeobufWriter

# Load the CSV file
df = pd.read_csv('input.csv')

# Convert to GeoDataFrame
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
    geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(df['longitude'], df['latitude'])

# Save to a FlatGeobuf file
gdf.to_file('output.fgb', driver='FlatGeobuf')

Batch Conversion:

import os
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd

directory = 'path_to_directory'
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
    if filename.endswith('.csv'):
        df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(directory, filename))
        gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
            geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(df['longitude'], df['latitude'])

        # Save each file to FlatGeobuf
        gdf.to_file(os.path.join(directory, filename.replace('.csv', '.fgb')), driver='FlatGeobuf')

Potential Challenges in Conversion

When converting between CSV and FlatGeobuf, consider the following challenges:

  • Geometry Support: CSV does not natively support geometry, so you must ensure latitude and longitude columns are formatted correctly.
  • Attribute Handling: Both formats support attributes, but ensure that attribute names and data types are consistent.
  • Coordinate Systems: Ensure that the coordinate system is consistent; FlatGeobuf can handle multiple CRSs, so ensure conversions match your requirements.
  • Lossy Conversion: Conversion errors may occur if the CSV contains incorrect or incomplete geographic information.

Practical Advice for Successful Conversion

  • Pre-Conversion Review: Check the CSV file to ensure the geographic data is correctly formatted and that columns are appropriately named.
  • Use Reliable Tools: QGIS, GDAL, and Python libraries like geopandas and pyflatgeobuf are reliable tools for converting CSV to FlatGeobuf.
  • Post-Conversion Validation: After conversion, validate the FlatGeobuf file using geospatial software or online validators.
  • Backup Original Data: Always keep a backup of the original CSV files before conversion.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why are my features misplaced after conversion?
  • This may be due to incorrect coordinate ordering or incorrect CRS handling.
  • Is batch conversion possible with this method?
  • Yes, tools like GDAL, QGIS, and Python scripts support batch conversion.
  • Will I lose data during conversion?
  • Generally, no. However, ensure all geographic data in the CSV is correctly formatted to prevent data loss.

About the Author
I'm Daniel O'Donohue, the voice and creator behind The MapScaping Podcast ( A podcast for the geospatial community ). With a professional background as a geospatial specialist, I've spent years harnessing the power of spatial to unravel the complexities of our world, one layer at a time.